Involving students in the development of OU inventions is an important part of the commercialization process
How do we engage students to work with faculty and staff on real-world university inventions like Pinying?
Through institutions like the Ronnie K. Irani Center for the Creation of Economic Wealth (I-CCEW), the Innovation Hub, and the Edge, students are recruited, trained, and empowered to act as “founders,” and to take steps toward launching an invention into the market. Each semester, I-CCEW students delve into business plan development, market research, and software development (and more!) to enhance OU innovation and support our faculty and staff entrepreneurs. Innovation Hub student employees are also a resource for OU faculty and staff, small business owners, researchers, and fellow students, helping them with ideation and with prototyping from sketch to physical embodiment.
通过例如Ronnie K. Irani财富创新中心(I-CCEW),创新港(Innovation Hub), 前沿科技(the Edge)等等企业来招募学生,对他们进行培训,并给予他们“创始人”的身份从而一步一步将发明推向市场。在每个学期,I-CCEW的学生都会进行商业计划开发,市场研究以及软件研发等等活动。这些活动增强了俄克拉荷马大学的创新能力同时也对教职员工的创业活动给予支持。创新港的学生为俄大的教职员工、小微企业主、各类研究人员提供协助,来帮助他们完成从构想到原型,从草图到产品的全过程。
How do we develop the best approach to launching new university inventions like Pinying?
Our students work in multidisciplinary teams drawing from all areas of campus from engineering to the humanities and fine arts to finance, which allows for the fusion of varied perspectives, talents, and expertise. Students also learn to apply the best practices of Human Centered Design, Lean Launch Pad, and the business model canvas.
我们的学生以跨学科协作团队的模式来工作,这些团队是来自大学不同学科领域的学生所构成,他们分别来自工程学、人文学、艺术学、财经等等学科,这些不同领域的协作能够来带多种视角、技能以及专业知识的融合。学生也可以在人本设计(Human Centered Design)、发射台(Lean Launch Pad),商业模版图(business model canvas)这些平台上进行实践活动。
How do we create low-cost, high-quality prototypes?
For the development of early stage mobile or software applications, I-CCEW engages and trains highly qualified students, and provides coding support and mentorship throughout the development process, while using industry standard agile techniques. This team works closely with the inventors and has an action mindset. The staff in the Innovation Hub’s fabrication lab provides technical and practical guidance and support for every idea that comes through the door, from napkin sketches to fully rendered models. With access to twelve 3D printers, four laser engravers, woodworking tools, electronics and circuitry equipment, a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine, and design software, inventors can quickly generate prototypes and models to test and improve ideas.

“Team Pinying,” the I-CCEW student interns who worked on Pinying, 2016. 图片说明:I-CCEW2016“拼英团队”的实习学生正在开发“拼英”。